Emt Marketing Efficient Marketing Tips Www.emtmarketing.com

Search engine optimization can be difficult and confusing. Knowing this we decided to put together
some tips to help you:

Your ultimate strategy
Did you know that, after investing thousands, sometimes hundred of thousands of dollars developing a Web site, businesses often discover that the site is invisible in the major search properties. Failing to take your Web site's search engine and directory visibility into consideration when making site development decisions is an untimely and very expensive mistake. http://www.emtmarketing.com/services.html

Watch the anchor text. Don't overdo the anchor text. You don't want all your inbound links looking the same, because that looks like automation - something Google frowns upon. Use your URL sometimes, your company name other times, "Gumbo Pudding Pop" occasionally, "Get gumbo pudding pops" as well, "Gumbo-flavored pudding pops" some other times, etc. http://www.emtmarketing.com/what.html

Google updates their index data — including backlines and PageRank all the time. However, they export and publish new backlines and PageRank data approximately every three months. New backlines and PageRank are meaningless — it is not an update http://www.emtmarketing.com/aboutseo.html

Write 10 articles and submit 5 of these articles to the top 10 article directories online, based on their pagerank number.
Search engines weigh headers (h1, h2, h3 …) higher than other content (p, li …), so it is important that you write good titles that also contains keywords that matches the content. The best thing is to only have 1-2 h1 tags on each page, eg. the blog title and newest blog post
Knowing how many incoming links your competitors have will give you a fantastic edge. Of course, you still have to discover your competitors before you can analyze them.


Connect Your Blog to Your Site - Connect Article Page - Connect Different Rss Feeds to Your Site & Blog

Deep linking. Make sure you have links coming in to as many pages as possible.

Site map. A big site needs a site map, which should be linked to from every page on the site.

There is a lot more to search engine optimization please log to www.emtmarketing.com for more free Tips

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About the Author:
Sem Since 1999 Author of "101 Site Tips"Woring in Emt Marketing For the last 5 Years

Article Source: ArticlesBase.com - Emt Marketing Efficient Marketing Tips Www.emtmarketing.com

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